The Cacao Nibbler

august 2012

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“If your friends are worried about eating too much chocolate…eat theirs!”
~ From Idaho’s Weiser Classic Candy website

$20 august Discount

As a valued newsletter subscriber, you are entitled to a $20 DISCOUNT OFF TWO TICKETS to our Pearl/West End Chocolate Walk on Saturday, August 25th, from 1-4:30 pm. So grab a friend and join us this month as we sample chocolate in many forms while walking off the extra calories! Go to your Subscriber Only Link now to secure your discounted spots-August only.

Downtown Portland, Lake Oswego and the Pearl/West End Neighborhood Chocolate Walks with Chocolate Tasting & More are a great way for locals and summer visitors to explore the sweetest nooks and crannies of these Metro neighborhoods.

Can’t make any of the 2012 dates? Contact us to set up a fun and memorable private adventure for your company employees, clients, or 5 of your closest chocolate-loving friends.


Ever wonder how cocoa manufacturers determine what beans to buy? A tool, called a magra, is extremely helpful: a hand tool consisting of a suspended blade on a frame which drops to cut the cacao beans lengthwise so that the ripeness, fermentation level, size and general quality of the beans can be examined. The beans are then classified into different grades by their appearance. Dandelion Chocolate, an artisan chocolate manufacturer in San Francisco, has some online photos showing how they use this tool of the trade.


Explore the world of chocolate from bean to bar at a special evening tasting on Tuesday, October 16th from 7-8:30 pm. Then sample single origin chocolates from around the globe. Register by calling Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation at 503-675-2549 after September 1st.

Can’t make this date? Contact us to schedule a fun and engaging indoor tasting for your friends, family and/or co-workers at your location.


During the past few weeks, a book I read a few years ago has come up in several different conversations. I recall how much I had gotten out of it. So if you haven’t read Chocolate: A Bitterweet Saga of Dark and Light by Mort Rosenblum, take a peek at our blog post for more insights into this rich and entertaining read. If you have read it, you might want to give it another go and dive even deeper into a behind the scenes tour of the cacao industry.


Check out our most recent blog post featuring a NW twist on a traditional favorite coconut and chocolate treat.



Enjoying the London Games? We’ve all heard about the healthy side of chocolate milk, especially as a recovery drink in sports. Yet, how about eating brownies and Reese’s? Here’s a commentary and video that highlights how calorie intake during training for a Summer Olympian swimmer can be counter-intuitive to the rest of us.


Functional or healthy chocolate is a relatively new and fascinating branch of the cocoa industry. It is supported by the increasing amount of cocoa polyphenol science studies that suggest health benefits found in cocoa. One recent study, from a Croatian university, found that freeze dried compare to concentrate of red raspberry leaf extract yielded more antioxidants and better taste compared to the same in concentrate form. So don’t be surprised to see more chocolate products containing freeze dried red raspberry leaf extract in the future. You can see the full article here.


Missed an issue? Be sure to check our archive full of chocolate info.

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If you are into social networking, we encourage you to "Like" us on Facebook and keep abreast of even more up-to-the-minute chocolate info, events, and happenings in Portland, the Northwest, and beyond. Chocolate Tasting & More is also on Yelp


Chocolate Tasting & More is extremely grateful to all our wonderful program participants and supporting Metro businesses. The same goes to all newsletter subscribers, website visitors, and friends & family who take the time to read through The Cacao Nibbler. We wouldn't be here without you. We’d appreciate you forwarding this to all your chocolate lovers friends.

Make it a great August and may it be filled with your favorite chocolate!


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