The Cacao Nibbler

February 2012

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Hope this New Year has gotten off to a great start for you and your loved ones. Hard to believe we are already into the Month of Sweets & Romance. Chocolate Tasting & More is ready and eager to begin our 5th season providing chocolate tastings, neighborhood chocolate walks and much more from mid-March through early December. We'd love to see you during 2012!


If you have a chocolate-loving someone you'd like to pamper on Valentine's Day, consider our Gift Certificates. These popular items are good for any scheduled public Neighborhood Chocolate Walk and are valid 18 months from the date of purchase. Perfect for procrastinators since you can receive your order via email.


"Once we hit forty, women only have about four taste buds left: one for vodka, one for wine, one for cheese, and one for chocolate." ~Gina Barreca, author and humorist.


We'll be kicking off our new season exploring Lake Oswego's sweetest nooks and crannies on Saturday, March 17th from 2-5:30 pm. One of the stops will be to Crave Bake Shop, home to the Food Network's Cupcake Wars champion! There are only two spaces left, so reserve your spot today. We also have routes in the Pearl/West End and Downtown Portland. If you have a private group of 5 or more that wants to go "chocolating," contact us to set up your deliciously memorable adventure.


Hasn't the weather this winter been extremely erratic? No matter what the temperature is outside, warm your insides with a Chocolate Toddy. The term hot toddy is said to have originated in Asia for a drink made from fermented sap from tropical palms. Although most toddies use Scotch whisky, they can be made with most spirits. For this version, pour 5 parts of your favorite hot cocoa or drinking chocolate into a warmed mug. Add 1 part cognac, whisky, brandy or scotch. Of course, you can always enjoy it without the usual extra toddy kick!


What better excuse to enjoy your favorite chocolate and nut combinations than on National Chocolate Covered Nuts Day on Feb. 25? Here's a simple treat: melt your favorite milk or dark chocolate, place a spoonful of chocolate on some waxed or parchment paper. Next pile on some nuts and then completely cover them with even more chocolate. Place them in the fridge until hardened and you are good to go.


Check out our Portland Chocolate Lovers Meetup Group and see what is planned for this coming week. On Saturday the 11th, we're heading to Salt & Straw Ice Cream and on Thursday the 16th, enjoy a multi-course chocolate dinner at Uptown Billiards. Reservations are required.




Each year, the seasoning giant McCormick gathers international chefs, sensory scientists, trend trackers and food technologists to make a forecast of new flavor combinations. These forecasts are developed to inspire chefs in the food industry. Some of this year's unique flavor combos include: ginger with coconut, vanilla with butter, Korean pepper paste with sesame, and Asian pear and garlic. It'll be interesting to see if these catch on in the chocolate confection world. You can get more info by reading this article.


"Like" us and keep abreast of even more up-to-the-minute chocolate info, events, and happenings in Portland, the Northwest, and beyond. Thanks in advance for telling all the chocolate lovers in your life about our page.

A Special Thank You

Chocolate Tasting & More is extremely grateful to all our wonderful program participants and supporting Metro businesses! The same goes to all newsletter subscribers, website visitors, and friends & family who take the time to read through The Cacao Nibbler. We wouldn't be here without you.

Make it a Great February and Happy Valentines Day to All!


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